White Men Do No Reggae

by Pink Cream 69

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v4.06  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:13 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary



Song Author

Pink Cream 69

Tabbed by



1st → Bassline (Seriously Transcribed)
2nd → Guitar Double-stops (Fun Track)
3rd → Drum (Fun Track)
4th → Voice (Fun Track)

File Size

17 KB




Oh the sun set in Jamaica with the ganja oh it can take ya I don't know how they reggae, reggae can't find no word to rhyme with reggae oh the white men do not reggae say the pink cream do not reggae they drive me crazy with that music they have guitars and don't know how to use it oh the white men do not reggae say the pink cream do not reggae oh the white men do not reggae say the pink cream do not reggae.... reg-ga-g-gae, reg-ga-g-gae, reg-ga-g-gae, gae..


I'm a bass player, so only a bass track was transcribed in the most accurate way I can do it by ear. All other tracks is only for fun. This is a funny bonus song from a first album 1989 "Pink Cream 69".